I believe the best way to make a difference is to help others make a difference.

Excited to be reaching more people through this website than I could have done before in my small classes on campus.

Some stuff on me…

A very happy childhood with Dyslexia, lego and video games.

Graduated from the University of Bath with a “sociable first” in a Masters of Manufacturing Engineering.

Worked in industry at a factory making shopping trolleys and retail equipment. Improving their environmental footprints.

Began a PhD back at Bath in User-Centred Eco-Design

Started my first business running late night shuttle buses to and from Bristol for students to go clubbing, the ambition was much larger but this was a good first step. A money making business, but it turns out I hated clubbing and dealing with drunk people and anyway had to stop so I could finish my PhD.

Joined two old class mates to launch and grow Mountain Trike into the world’s best off-road manual wheelchair.

Started my third business designing and fitting my own range of aerodynamic modifications that could make HGVs and vans 3% and 12% more fuel efficient respectively.

Launched my fourth business building drones, robotics and other technologies which I still pursue today. Whilst also starting angel investing in other people’s early technology businesses to try and help them pursue their dreams. As part of this creative activity we also run a small idea incubation lab where we help designers and creators bring their ideas to life.

Took up a part time role as a Technology Manager supervising grant supported R&D projects in the aerospace sector for 6 years and have been teaching at the University of Bath part-time since 2015, slowly getting more and more involved. Now a Part-Time Lecturer in a range of subjects around Creativity & Innovation at the University of Bath’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. Recently I’ve been developing lots of my own ideas and thinking around the project development process and how to teach it and am keen to continue this research.

It’s a joy to be teaching enthusiastic students and a great pleasure to have hired several of them to come work on projects with me. We make the biggest difference when we bring the best out of others.

Husband to an amazing wife, father to 3 mischievous children, 5 pecking chickens and several robot vehicles.

About Ed.jpg

Get in touch.

Any questions, issues or thoughts on this material I’d love to hear from you. There are very few right answers, methods and advice is built on experiences and research but situations change and there are always exceptions.

So I’d love to hear from you if you have different experiences from what I’ve described here so that I can continue to make this site a more holistic source of explanation and understanding.

Thank you.